Monday 29 September 2014 7:00 p.m. Question and Answer –  Cynthia Brougeault Lake Cowichan Wisdom School.

Seeing is painful and freeing at the same time.

In the Gurdjieffian vision “man cannot do” – you cannot catch a horse by running, but if you are not running you will never catch a horse.

Watch. Live the questions. Pay attention.

When we think of the situation as either/or, we will most likely be Third Force blind. When we only perceive either/or we haven’t seen the whole thing.

Part of what makes us Third Force blind is when we get too agenda-driven.

Remorse = not about poor me but the ability to feel it all – the broken, the yearning, etc. and not be broken by it.

Cultivate the discipline of coming back inside yourself.

If it is good it will grow in you.


Tuesday 29 September 2014 9:00 a.m. –  Cynthia Brougeault Lake Cowichan Wisdom School.

Low heart – desiring, emotionality

In relationship with low heart, cut loose from dramatic affectional.

Exchange personal drama for cosmic intimacy.

High heart – joyful, light, clarity. The organ of spiritual perception.

Bob Pynn:

No longer the object
of my affections,
he has become the subject of my truth.
(“First Apostle” by Robert T. Pynn  in Cynthia BoureaultThe Meaning of Mary Magdalene: Discovering the Woman at the Heart of Christianity by  (Shambala, 2010) pages 103-104

Unattached. Let go of clinging and pushing.

Emotion is already feeling attached to a fixed point of reference. As you can disconnect it from its fixed point, it becomes energy/feeling. Emotion is feeling attached to a fixed pointed of reference.

Robert Sardello – can’t have emotion with an ego that has a fixed point of reference.

Emotion has the chance to broaden and deepen into feeling. Non-attachment moves us from emotion into feeling.

The Endless Unity, when filtered through perception/consciousness, manifests as love.

The perceiving of unity is love. Self-reflective consciousness has to enter the equation.

Bernadette Roberts has touched life beyond consciousness where you drop out and even God drops out. There is no differentiation therefore we have gone back to Endless Unity. But most of us stay with some measure of consciousness.

Whatever we call God is all over everywhere. So, no point can be further from God than any other point. We need to move away from the precept of dualisms and Jungian archetypes, move beyond: light is good/ dark is bad or light is conscious/dark is unconscious.

Anguish teaches perceptivity which is that will which has brought itself into receivingness.

The world does not get farther and farther away from God as we get more into form. The Formless always informs the form.

The problem with the passions is that they divide the heart.

Don’t get lost in your own event horizon.

Twoness must move from Oneness but must move toward Threeness and dance – not a return to Oneness.

God is out-eager.

Time has a way of sorting things out.

What increases our tolerance is the increasing capacity to exist well in objectless awareness. Attention held as a vibrant field, dark luminous nest of the soul where there is nothing solid to bounce off, giving yourself the sense that you exist.

The Trinity is a principle that shows us how to tune our will to the manifestation of new forms.

We need to find a way to pool our fields of expertise in ways that are true. But today everything has become so domain specific that we have all become stuck in our own separate disciplines.