video for tomorrow:

children’s time:


There are so many things over the past two weeks we have been forced to let go of. One of the great losses for Christians is of course the absence of Eucharist.

The Eucharist is the primary spiritual practice of the Christian faith. It embodies for us the reality of the Presence of Christ in our lives and in all of Creation.

In response to the absence of Eucharist, I have developed a short simple liturgy for an Agape Meal. This is not a Eucharist; it is not intended to mimic or replace Eucharist. But, in this time of lack, it is intended to draw us to a deeper awareness of the mystery and beauty of that Presence who permeates all existence.

I suggest that you consider picking one meal a week, perhaps on a Sunday, which you set aside to designate as a sacred meal, not that other meals are not sacred, but this meal would be particularly designated to acknowledge the sacred nature of all life.

This Agape Meal can be done alone or with as many people as you can legally gather at your table, which at the moment means only members of your household. Even if only one person is present, I encourage you to read the words aloud, perform the actions suggested and at the end stand and bow to the space in acknowledgement of the Presence of the Divine in the unseen.

The Agape Meal recognizes that the presence of Christ is always with us. We are never alone. At some point in the meal, you might want to listen to this transcendent piece of music:

Whether physically we see one another or not, we are all reminders of the blessed presence of mystery and beauty at the heart of life. Anything that helps keep our hearts open to this reality is church.

Here my liturgy for an Agape Meal.


An Agape Feast For Troubled Times

The table is nicely set. The meal has been mindfully prepared and left to stay warm. There is an unlit candle on the table, a plate containing bread or crackers (enough for each person to break off one piece) and a glass at each place containing each person’s liquid of preference.

Everyone gathers standing, as they are able, around the table. Reader and Leader may be the same person or different voices.

Opening Reading

Reader: God said, ‘My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’ (Exodus 33:14)

Joshua said, ‘I hereby command you: Be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.’ (Joshua 1:9)

And Jesus said, ‘remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.’ (Matthew 18:20)

Opening Prayer

Reader: As we gather at this table, in this troubled time,
we come with gratefulness in our hearts
trusting in the love that never fails.

Leader: Gracious God, thank you for the beauty and the bounty
of the earth that nourishes and sustains us
to serve the love that is our deep and true nature.

A Candle is lit

Reader: We light this candle as a sign that the light of Christ
shines in the midst of darkness and there is no darkness
that can overcome this eternal light.

Leader: We pray loving God that the strength of your light
may shine in our hearts and burn brightly
for the healing of the world.

Bread or Cracker is Passed

Bread or cracker is passed to the right until each person is holding a piece of bread or cracker. Eat together then –

Reader: We share this bread to remember that God’s love sustains us
especially when our journey is hard
and that Jesus is the Bread of Life.

Leader: We pray loving God that we might know your presence
in the sharing of this meal
and that we might become food for the world.

Drink (each person sips from their own glass) Then:

Reader: We drink in order that we might be reminded
of the thirst of the world and face the deep
longing of our hearts for love and truth.

Leader: We pray gracious God that we might see in this drink
the presence of that sacrificial love Jesus poured out on the cross
that we might be strengthened to bear the suffering of the world.

Meal – meal is served. When everyone is seated –

Reader: We now share in this meal with thanksgiving,
knowing that all the bounty comes from
the outpouring love we call God and that we see in Jesus.

Leader: Loving God in Jesus we see your true nature.
In Jesus we see our true nature.
Sustained by this food, may we live more fully the beauty we behold.

Meal is eaten

After Mealall stand

Reader: The peace of eternal love be with us all.

Exchange a sign of peace with a slight bow to each person around the table.

Leader: May we go now from this table fed for the journey of life,
filled with gratefulness for the gifts we have received,
and sustained in the love that never ends.
