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19:14 Now it was the day of Preparation for the Passover; and it was about noon.

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Yeshua’s students said to him:
Who are you to say these things?

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Three years ago, I preached on Matthew 23:1-12, this Sunday’s Gospel. It is interesting to revisit old sermons. Here is what I said on Sunday 2 November 2014, from back in the days when my sermons were written out.

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31 Jesus went down to Capernaum, a city in Galilee, and was teaching them on the sabbath.

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m’s final observations on the authority of Scripture stirred in me too many thoughts to be confined to an email response.

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From time to time, I am asked a probing, thoughtful question by email.

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The problem with all external voices to which we give authority in our lives is that they only deal with external details. They operate in a one-dimensional universe in which the narrow band of the horizontal material plane is the only thing that matters. They skim the surface.

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It is a curious somewhat dense story. It sounds like a squabble over an irrelevant and obscure point of theological debate. But it raises a fundamentally important question that every human being faces whether or not we acknowledge it in our lives.

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You have set my feet in a spacious place ~ Psalm 31:8

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