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Dr. William Morrow – St. Philip Anglican Church Lenten Series Session 5:  ”Contradicts Itself: The Logic of Cult-Centralization” (Deuteronomy 12; 14:22-19:13; 26)

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Dr. William Morrow – St. Philip Anglican Church Lenten Series Session 3:  ”All Those Dead Animals: The Sacrificial System” (Leviticus 1-7; Numbers 15)

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Last night we had the first of six sessions at the church looking at difficult passages in the Old Testament. Our evenings are being guided by Dr. William Morrow, Associate Profess of Hebrew and Hebrew Scriptures at Queen’s University.

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It has been a while since I ventured too far into the world of academia. So it was with some trepidation yesterday afternoon that I attended a lecture sponsored by the University of Victoria Centre for Studies in Religion and Society.

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