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This coming Sunday is likely to cast fear into the hearts of those preachers who attempt to follow the Revised Common Lectionary assigned readings as the guide for their preaching.

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CAMP COLUMBIA, Thetis Island, B.C. JULY 13-15, 2007
Cynthia Bourgeault

 Saturday July 14, 2007 7:00 p.m. Q. & A.

Perhaps the best testament to what we are teaching is one person who can interiorize spaciousness and presence, remaining centered in their own being.

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Thursday April 18, 2013 9:15 a.m.

Terms dark night of soul and night of spirit are not used consistently.

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Yesterday Heather and I led an Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop at St. Matthias Church.

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In preparing yesterday for an address I am giving next month in New Zealand, I was reminded of one of my favourite stories from the ancient wisdom of the desert mystics of the fourth and fifth centuries. The version I have comes from Thomas Merton’s small collection of desert wisdom. It is a humorous story, but when we allow the story to penetrate deep into our being, it carries profound wisdom.
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You have set my feet in a spacious place ~ Psalm 31:8

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