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‘Good Teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?’ (Mark 10:17)

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Further texts and reflections on: Tenderness – Gentleness – Mercy – Compassion

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Francis opens the doorI love this image.

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We will never be ashamed of our distress. Distress is to our advantage when we have nothing to seek but mercy. We can be glad of our helplessness when we really believe that His power is made perfect in our infirmity.

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Conversations of the Heart VST Summer School
Cynthia Bourgeault Wednesday 9-15 July 2007

The way to perceive the unity of the universe is to think deeper, to think from deeper, to reactivate the heart understanding through exchange.

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Making The All Saints Passage
29-31 October 1999

The All Saints Triduum marks the passage through death and darkness to the light. It is a mini-Easter vigil.

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5-7 Dec. 2003 Advent Retreat Glenairley Sooke, BC

Feel the mystery within and without.

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Tuesday 30 September 2014 7:00 p.m. Question and Answer –  Cynthia Brougeault Lake Cowichan Wisdom School.

We only communicate when what we say is received, otherwise we are just expressing ourselves. When we speak to others about our experience, we need to be mindful of what they are prepared to hear; it is not about what we need to share.

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Sixty-eight years ago today, Alfred Delp was arrested in Munich and imprisoned in Tegel Prison in Berlin. Six months later he was executed by hanging, just three months before General Alfred Jodl signed Gemany’s unconditional surrender, bringing to an end 12 years of Nazi terror in Germany…. Read more at

Thirty years ago yesterday I was ordained a priest in the Anglican Church of Canada. It was an unforgettable and dramatic event for everyone involved.
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